Rome total war move character cheat help


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 › forums › showthread › Move-character-Cheat. For Rome: Total War on the PC, GameFAQs has 91 cheat codes and secrets. Gives character movement points, mp. Gives character trait points. only way i know to get that is to manually cheat and move characters into a set little box before initiating the fight. now ive tried to look up.  · Re: Move character Cheat first u have to have your mouse over the point you want him to stand and then type in the console - show_cursorstat (lets say it's ,) Then type in - move_character "Patraic MacNally" , Press ~ to open cheat prompt, then enter the cheat. The cheat code is: create_unit (settlement/character name) (unit id) (opt: how many) (opt:exp/weapon/armor).  · Rome Total War PC Money, 10 Star These are the traits you can give a character that all the cheat forums and sights elude These indicate the directional the troops will move .


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