2, Buy Panda Helper VIP which using Super Certificate. 3, Sign apps by yourself on PC 4, jailbreak the devices to get the use. panda helper vip iphone. Tap on Install in the final installation screen to confirm the installation. You will now see the Panda Helper app on your iPhone home. NEW: #iOS #PandaVIP ✨Unfold Hack✨ IAP FREE- Purchase an IAP, then tap on the ''Cancel'' button to receive the in-app purchase. ⏬ Download in Panda. · Helper. Taxi Company. Member. Tham gia 26/5/21 Bài viết Vip Member. Member. Tham gia 10/3/21 Bài viết Reaction score 81 Điểm 23/10/21 #12 1, Reaction score Điểm 63 Nơi ở Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh. 23/10/21; Thread starter #13 nó hack kìa ông. WooJin_GookPyeong nói: cc j z bro Nhấn để mở rộng. · Panda Helper VIP is a brand new Chinese Hacked Software Kit Installer for iOS devices. While the platform features an incredible amount of other third-party installers, Panda Helper VIP has a large selection of hacked software and bltadwin.ruted Reading Time: 3 mins. · What is Panda Helper VIP? Panda Helper is a brand new Chinese hacked apps installer for iOS. Just like other package installers, it works without a jailbreak. What sets it apart from other installers is its mammoth collection of hacked applications and games.